Welcome to Millicent!
****2025 Event Details Coming Soon *****
View below to see what was offered in 2023...
During the Geltwood Festival there will be lots of activities to participate in, including craft exhibitions, a Market @ the Millicent Showgrounds and twilight afternoon, kids activities, live music, childrens disco, skateboard competition, museum open day and quilt/craft displays.
Details are still being confirmed so please pop back here regularly for an update!

October 17th till after Festival
Quilts for a Cause 2023 On Display @ Millicent VIC Gallery
We are looking for donations of Quilts for this great cause.
They can be of any size or style, child, teenager, adult male or female!
The Women’s and Childrens Hospital Oncology unit will receive the Quilts this year. They will be on show in the Millicent Visitor Information Centre during the Geltwood Festival, starting on the 17th October 2023. Before being delivered to Women’s and Childrens Hospital oncology unit for use.
Please contact Kathy Patten - 0438 013 372 to arrange collection/delivery of donated quilts prior to October 1st.
Friday October 20th
Opening at the Millicent Art Gallery
6:30pm - 8:00pm
All welcome! Drinks and canapes provided
No RSVP is required
The Geltwood Festival will be officially opened
Saturday October 21st
Millicent Showground Market Day
9am - 1pm
The Market Day will combine this year with the Millicent Showgrounds this year with numerous stalls selling fresh local produce, home-made goods, tasty treats and art and crafts. Contact the Milicent Showgrounds for Stall Registrations. email: office@millicentshow.com phone 0439333560
Skate Park Leagues / Skate Competition
Saturday October 21st
Family Friendly Fun Event at the Rotunda Parklands
4pm- 9pm
A free event at the Rotunda parklands, Live music by Christy and Jason Wallace, Food and Drink stalls children's activities.
Saturday October 21st
Youth Advisory Council (YAC) Children's Disco
@ Millicent RSL Hall
Sunday October 22nd
Skate Park Leagues / Skate Competition
IMAG Mural & Sculpture Walk @ 11am from the Millicent VIC
Sandra Melrose (IMAG Ambassador will take you on a guided walk through the streets of Millicent, taking in the marvellous Art works throughout the town)
Monday October 23rd
Quilting Convention
Millicent Civic and Arts Centre 9.30am - 3.00pm
Come to visit Millicent and be part of our annual quilt convention. See an outstanding display of quilts, both at the convention and in all the shop windows in our main street. The day includes interesting
guest speakers, light entertainment and of course show and tell. There will also be four shops in
Cost: $20 Morning and Afternoon tea supplied.
RSVP to Julie Wesolowski 0428 189 965
to secure your table/seat.